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November Webinars + 2025 Funding Opportunity


As teams strive to make their impact business models sustain or scale, they must continuously foster behavioral change: getting people to do things differently.

Cartier Philanthropy’s partners, like Saha Global, One Acre Fund, SOIL, Pivot, Semilla Nueva, myAgro, VisionSpring, and Kheyti have all collaborated with the nonprofit agency, Appleseed, to uncover behavioral insights and develop new strategies. Engagements have led to dramatically higher rates of children drinking clean water, farmers planting fortified seeds or spacing out crops, people paying via mobile money, and much more!



Who: Leaders within Cartier Philanthropy-funded organizations.

Each organization may send up to two participants✌️to a given webinar. After you express interest, we’ll follow up to confirm participants from your organization.

When: Mid-November. We'll find the best days and times based on attendee availability.



Philip Kao
Executive Director / Co-Founder of Appleseed


WEBINAR topics

1. “Top 5 Common Pitfalls to Avoid when Fostering Behavioral Change, and How to Avoid Them”

When it comes to the work of fostering behavioral change, even the very best teams make strategic mistakes. The consequences can be severe: they lose time, effort, and funding; or perpetuate a model that won’t sustain or scale; in some cases, people in communities are harmed. Learn to recognize these pitfalls so your teams can confidently sidestep them and move forward.


2. “How to Nail the First Essential Steps and Prevent Costly Mistakes on any Behavior Change Initiative”

The journey begins with choosing the right target audience and behavior. This step isn’t trivial; it’s half the battle. Attend this webinar to learn Appleseed’s 5 key selection criteria so your teams can master this critical first step in designing for impact.


In either webinar, you’ll gain:

  • insight into a systematic process and pitfalls to avoid

  • specific feedback and applicable takeaways

  • perspectives, real-world examples, and approaches used by seasoned behavioral practitioners

  • an understanding of how Cartier Philanthropy may fund deeper support from Appleseed, and what to expect in a collaboration

Funding Opportunity

Cartier Philanthropy allocates annual funding to cover a significant portion of Appleseed's fees to support specific grantees. Cartier Philanthropy facilitates introductions to Appleseed, and leaves you to explore a potential collaboration. Reporting requirements are minimal.

☝️Please note: the Appleseed team has capacity to offer consultation calls for any Cartier Philanthropy partner, but full engagements with only 2 x partners, starting in the first half of 2025. If interested, kindly inform Philip or Cassandre promptly or attend the November webinar to learn more!
